
Carbon is an old but new material. Professor Kroto who got the Nobel Prize in 

1986 said in his Nobel address: the 21st century will be the century of
carbon. I believe that. Carbon is a key material. Prof Morinobu Endo 2002 outlink

"Cuando yo tenía catorce años, mi padre era tan ignorante que no podía

soportarle. Pero cuando cumplí los veintiuno, me parecía increíble lo
mucho que mi padre había aprendido en siete años" (Mark Twain).

"Las weás pasan de weón"

(Fernando Vallejos Senior - circa 2007)

"Independientemente de lo que puedas decir, estás equivocado."

(Alfredo Gordon - 2008)

"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which

could not have been formed by numerous, successive, slight
modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
(Charles Darwin - 1859)

"The thing that doesn’t fit is the thing that’s most interesting, the

part that doesn’t go according to what you expected"
(Richard P. Feynman - 1981)

"If it interests you, however mundane it might seem on the surface,

still explore it because something unexpected often turns up just
when you least expect it." (Harold Kroto, Nobel Prize 1996)

"Se desplazan por uno de los paisajes más formidables del mundo como si

no existieran las leyes físicas, como si fueran argumentos creados por
criaturas menos ágiles para hallar una explicación a su propia torpeza."
(Neil Shea acerca de los lémures de Madagascar, NatGeo Nov 2009)

"The idea was so simple that it had to be right."

(James D. Watson talking about mechanism of
TMV growing, The Double Helix 1968)

"Si no fuera por el último minuto, nada se haría."

Corolario de la Ley de Murphy

"El futuro vencedor tiene tropas cuyos rangos superiores e inferiores

tienen el mismo propósito".
"Si el ejército no tiene disciplina, quiere decir que el general no es
tomado en serio"
"Utilizar el orden para enfrentarse al desorden, utilizar la calma para
enfrentarse a los que se agitan, esto es dominar el corazón"
(Sun Tzu en El Arte de la Guerra, Siglo V al III a. de C.)

"You can think of the spectrum of light as a bit like the notes on a piano."

"Imagine these seven notes represent the visible spectrum with the familiar
colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet."
"So all that we can see accounts for this octave. But that, in fact is just
a tiny percentage of the entire spectrum of light. If you want to be
exact, it's 0.00000000001%. And just like this piano has many other notes,
light exists in many other wavelenghts, with infrared down here,
ultraviolet up here. And that is just the beginning."
"If our visible spectrum is just one octave on this piano, then to represent
the entire spectrum from gamma rays to X-rays and right through to radio
waves you'd need the keyboard to extend... and extend... and extend...
still going... still going... right outas far as the sun 93 million
miles away. That's a very big piano."
(Richard Hammonds in Invisible Worlds S01E02)

"In a perfect world, the authors and editors could discuss

the manuscript over coffee to be sure the novelty and
significance of the work are appreciated."
(Jason H. Hafner - Associate Editor ACS Nano, 2010, 4 (5), p 2487)
